
by Omair Kazi



The Holy Qur’an says, “Then woe to those prayer performers. Who are heedless of their prayers (Part 30, Surah Ma-oon, verse 4-5)Taqweem is a project of Rapidsoft. It is a Masjid management site, which aims to couple the MUST program developed by Rapidsoft with the data available to the Musallees through this site. Taqweem aims to establish an extensive range of Masjids across the globe, with correctly syncronised salaah times and up-to-date information for the Masjid. Some key features of Taqweem include:- Masajid and Salaah Times for the next Salaah within a defined radius- Locations of Masajid- Salaah and Prepetual Times of Masajid- Notices and General Information for the masjid